
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hi-v Fandom @ Animaku no Hibi 3, or how to tingle my otaku-ness inside.

Finally after all that confusion and delay, I've finally here at last, bringing you the newest share of yours truly. This time, I will tell my experiences about me attending "Animaku no Hibi 3: Fuuto no Kaze" at Kampus STAN in Bintaro, Jakarta (25th March 2012)


It was actually well-planned: Me and my otaku friends (from 10th and 11th Grade, no otakus seen from 12th Grade except ME) were planning about with what we will get there, and the submission ticket is only IDR 5000 (less than a dollar). Days later, we finally get there soon and it doesn't take longer than half an hour to get there, but it's worth it.

Selling: Merchandises.
STAN's Animaku no Hibi event is, to be honest, your ordinary otaku event where there's a lot of hobby store branches, snack stands, and live J-musics put together into one. What I was looking for is a Gunpla: A plastic model of Gundam. Out of my expectations though, there's only one Gunpla sold there. Even worse, it's a Tieren High-Mobility Type from Gundam 00 which means that it's not on my favorites' list (shoot, should I go to "that" place again?).

The snack stands though, their snacks are definitely worth of trying! There are lots of food stands there if you want to take a glimpse of Japanese snacks like Takoyaki (octopus balls), Okonomiyaki (Japan's equivalent of pancake with a variety of topping), Kakigori (shaved ice with syrup), Dorayaki (a cake that's very popular because of Doraemon), and more.

Speaking of competitions, there are many: one of them is a Dorayaki eating contest where you have to eat five Dorayakis within three minutes. The fastest to eat all of the Dorayakis from left to right wins. One of my friend DID joined, but he DIDN'T win, but who cares?

In the end, you can find several J-merchandises here. They're ranged from your favorite characters to your favorite characters, like Miku, Dragonball Z, One Piece, and so on. You can also buy past issues of a specific anime magazine there.


Yes, in fact, most of these cosplayers choose Tokusatsu characters, notably from Kamen Rider series. The Cosplay competition is held at 1pm, exactly after the Otaku Quiz competition. Here are some of the contestants in action.

That Rider beat a crap outta that green villain

The Green villain's counterattack!
Yet there are cosplayers who take Game and Anime characters, the most notable is being this one:

This Ezria Erza Scarlett cosplay, albeit the revealing appearance, is definitely one of the best.
Seriously, it embraces her true self.

And we aren't forget to have a chance to take pics with the cosplayers!

The guy with the plan (right), a Rider, and a...?

"Nah, I don't care if you're a Green Villain."

"This blade is so great, I'd like to steal it from you"

The only non-Rider cosplayer whose pic made it to here


Although the event itself is a run-of-the-mill Japanese Festival, but the climax lies in its nighttime events, where there were fireworks and stuff. Yet, we couldn't watch that because we had time constraints, and we had to finish our businesses for the day after (guess what). Though it was fun, and if there's an invitation to join a J-Fest again, I would love to. No wonder that I do have an otaku self lying within me.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Wind Wasn't Friendly Last Night

Yesterday, 19th March of 2011, exactly around 10pm, the wind at the night wasn't friendly. The wind blew hard at that night and the wind made several people panicked.

It all actually happens at afternoon. I was at school, and there was a rain with a quite strong wind. Those who wanted to go home couldn't walk their way home because of this. The rain lasted for hours.

Then, the aforementioned night comes and the wind blew hard. Few of those who notice are panicked, since it was 10pm and several people in my neighborhood were sleeping at that time.

We don't even know when that strong wind will hit here again, God knows when.

- Rendy

Gundam for Galau People

Bayangkan kamu adalah anak yang suka Galau, kamu punya segudang masalah di pundak kamu. Udah nilai jelek pas ulangan, diputusin pacar, hidupmu sedang ancur *PLAAK!*, iya kan?

Dalam waktu yang sama, negeri yang kamu sedang tinggali sedang berperang melawan organisasi jahat dari luar angkasa berhuruf depan "Z". Kamu si Galau mau kabur, tapi PUNYA keinginan untuk bertarung untuk men-counter kegalauan kamu. "Gue gak mau perang!" katamu, "Militer gak pernah, kemampuan gak punya. AKU MAU JADI APAAAAAAA?????" /Lebaymodeon /bigham *PLAAK!*

Tiba-tiba kamu langsung nyomot prototipe robot yang lagi nganggur di markas Federation. Kamu secara tidak sengaja melawan mereka (musuh) dan langsung keterusan. Apa yang kamu nggak ketahui adalah YOU'RE THE NEW GUNDAM PILOT. Artinya, selamat! Anda telah menemukan definisi "Gundam" menurut anak-anak galau :)

Destined ones and their robots

Secara singkat, "Gundam" adalah dimana anak galau/emo/broken (?) berdiri menjadi pilot dari Gundam tersebut dan menyelamatkan dunia dengan melawan pasukan yang dipimpin oleh orang bertopeng. Kemudian anak galau tersebut digembleng menjadi MAN OF DESTINY (Bocah yang Ditakdirkan) dan langsung melawan penjahat bertopeng tersebut.

Pertarungan Gundam ini dilakukan baik di bumi maupun di luar angkasa. Kebanyakan pertarungan fokus pada luar angkasa, tapi di bumi gak kalah serunya.

"One must always plan a few moves ahead in battle" - Char

Penjahat bertopeng ini namanya Char Aznable aka Mas Topeng. Mas Topeng punya banyak saudara... (source:

Inilah saudara2 dari Char Mas Topeng: Pak Topeng Carozzo Ronah, Chronicle Asher, Full Frontal si clone Char, Harry Ord si UNIVEEEEERSEEE!!!!, Schwarz "Meikyo Shisui" Bruder, Rau Topeng bin Le Creuset, Zechs Merquise, Neo Roanoke, dan Mr. Bushido aka Graham Aker jadi orang Jepang. Mereka adalah Char di seri mereka sendiri (berurutan: MSG, F91, V, Unicorn, Turn A, G, SEED, Wing, SEED Destiny, dan 00) (source:


Amuro Ray (Mobile Suit Gundam) - Pertamanya dia nggak mau terima dirinya berperang, tapi mau nggak mau pasukan Zaku Zeon makin banyak, dan ia tidak punya pilihan lagi. Setelah di-Brightslap sama Bright Noa, ia membuang ke-galauannya, dan akhirnya bermusuhan dengan Char Aznable. Kejadian dimana Lalah Sune melindungi Char dan Amuro "tidak sengaja" membunuhnya berbekas dalam benak mereka, sampai2 hal tsb dibawa sampai seri Char's Counterattack. Tentunya selama ia ada berada di organisasi Karaba (Zeta Gundam), dia sudah menjadi dewasa.

Kamille Bidan (Zeta Gundam) - Orang ini gak suka kalau seseorang mengejek kalau namanya itu kedengaran "perempuan" sekali, terutama yang ngejek dia adalah Jerid Messa. Bersama Anti-Earth Union Group (AEUG), dia bertarung melawan Titans (Earth Federation yang udah korup) dan para kroni2 nya, khususnya Paptimus Scirocco. Dengan menunjukkan ke-laki2annya dalam hal mendesain Mobile Suit-nya, Zeta Gundam, dia bertarung sampai akhirnya menusuk MS-nya Scirocco dan Scirocco menyerangnya balik karena dia tidak mau mati sendiri, dan ia ingin membawa jiwa Kamille bersamanya.

Kira Yamato (Gundam SEED) - Kalo orang ini memang awalnya nggak suka peperangan, tapi melihat teman semasa kecilnya, Athrun Zala, masuk ZAFT (organisasi huruf Z yg menghancurkan Heliopolis), Kira masuk ke GAT-X105 Strike Gundam yg nganggur, tapi yang menjadi pilot adalah Murrue Ramius. Sejak Murrue melihat kemampuan pilot Kira yg bisa mengubah OS dari Windows jadi GUNDAM (*PLAK*), Murrue menginginkan Kira utk menjadi anggota Earth Alliance. Beberapa episode kemudian ia tahu kalau ia harus berhenti ber-galau ria dan hasilnya? Dia mengalahkan Andrew Waltfeld, Trio Macan Doping (*PLAK*), dan Rau bertopeng bin Le Creuset.

Shinn Asuka (Gundam SEED Destiny) - Walaupun saya kurang tahu mengenai orang ini karena ane sendiri blom nonton SEED Destiny, tapi ia adalah member ZAFT yang paling galau dan suka complain, bahkan ia adalah versi Cosmic Era dari Kamille Bidan.

dan masih banyak yg lain...


Dari artikel ini, kita bisa simpulkan bahwa bahkan mereka yang awalnya suka galau bisa menjadi seorang pahlawan yang bisa menyelamatkan dunia dari kehancuran. Kita bisa menggembleng diri kita sendiri, dan kita bisa menjadi orang yang ditakdirkan, asalkan kita niat dan rajin. Bagi saya, Amuro Ray-lah yang bisa dijadikan role model anak2 galau untuk menjadi pahlawan.

- Rendy

Monday, March 19, 2012

A new Chapter, A new Start

Welcome to the new RENDY'S BLOG, the Hi-v RENDY'S BLOG aka "This new RENDY'S BLOG isn't just for show!". If you've visited my old blog, you'll know that I've moved and now start anew. There are logical reasons why I created another new blog.

Firstly, I couldn't update anything I've done to the old RENDY'S BLOG because I have no desire for it. Having no desire since I was using net cafes to play internet, my time was limited to hours. That is why after the last post about the lyrics and translation of one of Eyeshield 21's soundtrack, there are no posts. After sometime, I've decided to not write any blog post since it's too random, and isn't neat enough.

Secondly, my activities. As you know, at that time after that last post, I was busy preparing myself for the final semester exam of the 2nd High School Grade. As a Student, I can't forget that I have to study in order to be better at school. Turns out I was so busy with formulas, theories, and new vocabularies that I can't update my blog. Aside from school activities, I have other activities. Months after the last post, I have a new brother. He's still one year old at the moment, but he's funny, and I love to interact with him. With that, my brother has already a 2nd grader.

Finally, short on imaginations. I can't even think what I have to write in that blog, either a silly theory, silly story based on my babblings, or anything in common. I just can't... *thud*


This new blog, aside from its name which originates from Amuro Ray's mobile suit in Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack, RX-93-v2 Hi-v Gundam, and the quote "This v-Gundam isn't just for show!" said by that character, is an "evolution". While my friends retain their blogs, easily posting things on their blogs, either showing something special or just average, I couldn't able to update it like my friends do. Now with a modem, a computer (+ a laptop if something goes wrong on my PC), and a good 'ol browser, I am happy to start anew, which is exactly what the true motive behind Hi-v Rendy's Blog is, which is to have me updating my feeds of something that everyone wants to know, but I have to decide which of them are post-worthy or not.


Some of the articles will be posted in INDONESIAN! Jadi jangan kaget yah kalo beberapa postingan di blog ini berbahasa Indonesia :), namanya juga blog bi-lingual, lagian juga saya perlu memperluas target audience di negeri sendiri dong :). (boleh kan???)

To top it off, the posts will, like the successor, consist of game-related things, recommendations of television shows, and et cetera. I would also like to write new things that I haven't done before (like game walkthroughs, fan fictions, doujins, drawings).


- Rendy